October News

October is upon us and it's time to start thinking about Parent/Teacher Conferences and Halloween....two events that will look different this year because, well, COVID.  Additionally, we have a couple of healthy initiatives we are working on too!  Here's the needed info for our families.

FLUency School Health Program:

Did you know you can get a FREE smart thermometer?  Well, YOU CAN!  Thanks to a free program called FLUency!  It's as easy sending a text!  Check it out!

Healthiest State Walk:

Both the JH/HS will be participating in a statewide "Healthiest State Walk" on Wednesday, Oct. 7th.  The elementary will walk a route around Washta and will walk with their homeroom classes, leaving the building at staggered times to ensure proper social distancing between each homeroom.  The walk will begin roughly around 2:15 pm.  In the event of inclement weather we make alternative plans.

Fall Celebrations:

As you may be able to anticipate, we will not be having our annual Halloween Parade.  We continue to work very hard to mitigate the spread of COVID and believe that making alternative arrangements to celebrate the arrival of Fall is necessary.  That said, our teachers will be planning a fall class celebration.  These celebrations will be held in their homerooms on Thursday, Oct. 29th.  Teachers will decide what time to hold their celebrations in order to best fit their individual class schedules.  Thank you for understanding our need to make this look different as we work to keep our students and staff as safe and healthy as possible.

Parent/Teacher Conferences:

Conferences are scheduled for 4:30 - 7:30 pm on both Tuesday, Oct. 27th and Thursday, Oct. 29th.  Because we are limiting access to the building we will be holding conferences via Zoom.  Later this month you will receive an email with information on how to scheduled your conferences.  We will again be using the online forum, PTCFast.com, to schedule your conference times.  Once conference times are booked, please look for an email from the school with all Zoom links for each PK-12th grade teacher that will enable you to enter a waiting room a minute or two before your scheduled conference time.  Should you be unable to meet via Zoom, the classroom teacher will call you to discuss your child's educational progress.  Please stay tuned for more information.  As a reminder, school will dismiss 1 hour early (2:20 pm) on both parent/teacher conference days to allow our teachers time to set up for conferences prior to their start.